The IENE 5 Project

Project Title: 
Training Healthcare Teams in Intercultural Communication and Patient Safety 

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The IENE 5 Project aims:

  1. To identify the training needs of nurses and other health professionals in terms of intercultural communication skills and capacity of working in MMHTs, in order to match their skills to the competences demanded for safe patient care;
  2. To create an innovative European Training Model aiming to promote knowledge and skills of intercultural communication, working in MMHTs and patient safety by developing training content, learning and evaluation tools, which will be available on the project website;
  3. To build a MOOC (Massive Open On-line Course) containing learning and self-assessment activities and tools, which are highly interactive and based on co-learning and co-creation;
  4. To train approximately 50 facilitators from the participating countries to support and guide the learners’ communities on the MOOC, whilst undertaking their own developments and innovations, aimed at future MOOC developments;
  5. To develop skills of intercultural communication between members of MMHTs and patient safety for 150 participants recruited from the project’s partner countries and approximately 500 nurses and health care professionals from across the world, through their participation in the training on the created MOOC;
  6. To promote team cultures which value intercultural communication, and are highly aware of its impact on patient safety through the dissemination of project results and examples of good practice. These values will also be promoted to the 50 facilitators trained by the project, and the managers, training providers and potential users who will attend the six national seminars, organized in the partners’ countries, to use the resources created for the European Model and MOOC;






The Partners:

Middlesex University, United Kingdom  (Coordinator)    ???????????????????
Prof Irena Papadopoulos, Alfonso Pezzella & Sheila Ali

Edunet Association, Romania  34d2c70
Victor Dudau & Adrian Dudau

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Dr Christiana Kouta & Dr Elena Rousou rsz_cyprus_uni_logo_-_christiana_kouta

University College Lillebælt, Denmark  top-logo
Eva Odgaard

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Italy
Antonella Ciompi & Claudia Rustici

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